JB Brackett JB Brackett

Ways Teachers Make a Difference That You Might Not Realize!

The week of May 6th is Teacher Appreciation Week! 

Teachers are essential and influential members of our communities. They teach our kids about the world, inspire critical thinking skills, and serve as great role models. But there are so many ways that teachers make a difference every day that we might not realize.

This Teacher Appreciation Week, we’d like to shine a spotlight on the many ways that our community’s educators make a difference that might not be so obvious!

Teachers can be a trustworthy adult for students

Kids spend on average 180 days in school each year. That’s a lot of time spent experiencing life away from home (and everything that comes with it!). Sure, it’s a lot of time spent learning, taking quizzes and tests, writing papers, and so on; but it’s also a significant chunk of time that they spend interacting with others. Days spent at school are opportunities for kids to develop social skills and build relationships with others, including peers and teachers.

This period of life is bound to foster good and bad experiences. That’s why it’s so important for kids to have adults they trust that they can turn to when they need to. Since parents and guardians typically don’t attend school with their children, teachers often take on the role of the trusted adult in students’ lives. 

Sometimes, despite having a trusting relationship with their families, there are some things that kids just feel more comfortable talking about with someone else. Educators can provide listening ears when kids need to ask for advice or when they’re trying to work out the social aspects of their life.

Teachers can provide care and safety 

Unfortunately, sometimes kids don’t have adults that they can trust at home. Sometimes, schools can serve as a safe haven to kids in need; and teachers play a crucial role in this. 

You don’t have to search hard to find dozens of stories from people who had difficult childhoods talking about how their teacher changed their life. Our educators don’t only teach – they can provide care and safety to kids who may otherwise not get it.

Teachers can help kids access services that could help them; they can also help with the logistical aspects of signing up for assistance programs at school, such as free lunch. In most states, teachers are also mandated reporters, meaning that not only can they serve as a trustworthy adult and safe space for kids, but they can also act to get kids out of bad situations.

Teachers push us to be our best selves

Kids spend so much time in school learning, experiencing new things, and expanding their horizons. They develop new interests, engage in new hobbies, and form new friendships. Teachers are there every step of the way to support children in their journey to becoming well-rounded members of society!

Though they see a lot of kids go through their classrooms each year, our educators spend a huge portion of the year getting to know their students. They spend each day fostering curiosity and inspiring kids to do their best. A teacher might notice a student’s interest in art and push them to join the art club, allowing them to meet people who share their interest and hone their skills. Educators notice more than we think, and thus play a major role in our kids’ development.

It’s crucial that children are supported in their learning and interests; this helps them maintain a sense of curiosity and belonging, and the motivation and desire to continue learning and improving! 

Simplify your teachers’ days with PickUp Patrol

As you can see, our educators are busy from the first bell to the last. They have so many important responsibilities to manage – so why not make the end of their day a bit easier?

PickUp Patrol streamlines the school dismissal process. It also tracks early dismissals and late arrivals, relieving the guessing game from our school staff, including teachers. PickUp Patrol helps by:

  • Automatically providing a list of students’ dismissal plans to their teachers

  • Allowing teachers to quickly check the list, with plan changes highlighted at the top

  • Ensuring students are sent to the correct place for their after school plans

  • Giving teachers the confidence that their students are reaching their destinations safely

PickUp Patrol is an affordable and reliable solution to your school’s stressful dismissal time. Priced to fit your school size and with no set up fees, it is guaranteed to ease the stress of your school staff – including teachers! 

Make your teachers’ days this Teacher Appreciation Week and request a price estimate for your school today.

Thank an important teacher in your life this week! 

These are things that often go unseen in the day to day – but at the end of a student’s 13 years of school, it’s important to recognize the major impact that teachers have had on them throughout the entire journey.

So this week, make a point to thank a teacher in your life, whether you are a parent, guardian, or student. They’re doing a lot behind the scenes, and it’s making a huge difference that often goes unnoticed!

Let's make sure our educators know how appreciated they are! 

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